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Kuala Lumpur: Name the submarine and win a prize. This is what the Royal Malaysian Navy is offering in a contest for Malaysians to name the country's first two submarines, which are due to be delivered in 2009. "The navy is giving the honour to the public as the Scorpene-class submarines will be the country's first and the navy's strategic assets", said Lt. Masliza Maaris, Defence Ministry's navy headquarters public relations officer. Entry forms for the contest can be downloaded at the Royal Navy website. Closing date for entries is Dec. 30, 2006. The competition is open to all Malaysians and contestants can send as many entries as they want. Joint entries are allowed. Contestants must provide background information as well as the rationale for their suggested names for the submarines. Come and join the contest!!!the legend: I love Yellow Submarine - The Beatles
7 ulasan:
best nie....
wah malaya dah nak ada submarine la...tu la dia... hasel pembangunan dan R&D yang dibuat.
ini salah satu penchapaian malaysia yang patut dibanggakan.
mm..submarine. Bagus2. blh la jaga perairan negara ni. mcm la ni msti navy tgh latih org2 dia utk handle submarine tu. xkan nk b org luar kot.
nanti kalau ada idea ku hantar..
kdg2 gerun gak tgk kapal selam ni..besar semacam ja.
kapal selam nie unik beb...
dia bule lepak dalam laut dan jugak atas ayaq...
memang la takut sikit tgk dia jalan...
Sudah ada kapal selam Ke?Alhamdulilah..
aku nak kasi nama kapal tu ngan nama 'taipen'..ok tak?
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