مَّثَلُ الْجَنَّةِ الَّتِي وُعِدَ الْمُتَّقُونَ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الأَنْهَارُ أُكُلُهَا دَآئِمٌ وِظِلُّهَا تِلْكَ عُقْبَى الَّذِينَ اتَّقَواْ وَّعُقْبَى الْكَافِرِينَ النَّارُ
"The parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised!- beneath it flow rivers: perpetual is the enjoyment thereof and the shade therein: such is the end of the Righteous; and the end of Unbelievers in the Fire"
"Perumpamaan syurga yang dijanjikan kepada orang-orang yang bertqwa ialah seperti taman di mana mengalir sungai-sungai di dalamnya; buahnya tak henti-henti berbuah. Itu lah tempatnya kesudahan bagi orang-orang yang bertaqwa; sedang tempat kesudahan bagi orang-orang kafir dan ingkar ialah di neraka.." - Ar-Ra'ad: 35, juzuk 13
source: http://www.al-quran.org.uk/
Isnin, Februari 28, 2005
Jumaat, Februari 25, 2005
The Beatles - British Invasion in 60's

The beatles.. www.thebeatles.com.hk, http://www.beatles-discography.com/,
Of coz la aku mmg die-hard fanz depa nie. aku start tau pasal beatles nie masa aku sekolah rendah, masa tu tahoon 1984 (darjah 1)...abg2 aku ada crita and cakap2 pasal beatles nie. sechara tak langsung, aku bule ngam plak ngan depa nie. start dari situ la..aku trus kerja2 research aku nie utk mendapatkan mcm2 bahan beatles termasuk yg paling bharu aku dapat: The Beatles Album (1960 - 1970)..actually, this is the pictorial books about them. I bought it at the MPH Bookstore in KL. and this research is going to be lifetime research. I wish i could visit Liverpool where the group is originally came from. Hey Jude, take a sad song, and make it better...
Khamis, Februari 24, 2005
Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. any information about him can be obtained at this URL: http://www.alincoln-library.com/Apps/default.asp. Borned on the Feb 12, 1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky. and shot dead on the April 14, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth at Fords Theater and passed away on the next day at 7.22 AM.
THE CONVICTED CONSPIRATORS: http://members.aol.com/RVSNorton/Lincoln20.html
"In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you.... You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it."
"that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
"I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal."
Rabu, Februari 23, 2005
Kerja Kosong, kerja kosong!!
askum kengkawan,
nak maklumkan sapa yang beminat nak kerja shift mcm aku ngan man leh la try apply untuk jawatan executive trainee kat westport malaysia sdn bhd syarat:degree any field sanggup kerja shiftit and engineering di utamakanfresh graduate leh mohon..so ni la kalau kita ada perjumpaan ari tu, leh gaks kongsi kerja kosong tak? anyware sapa yang berminat leh la anta email kat: hr@westportmalaysia.com.my nak tau lebih lanjut lg pasai westport layarlah www.westportmalaysia.com.my
bye aznizan aripin - aznizan_ar@yahoo.com
and satu lagi:
at Bookline Services, PJ (Library Supplier)
jawatan: Assistant to manager.
perlu ada: driving license, Lelaki, willing to travel.
jobs: assist the company manager to organize works and sometimes will go out to do the assignment given by the manager.
interested? just call: en farizal mohamad at 019-246 0123. email: booklineserve@hotmail.com
as soon as possible.
nak maklumkan sapa yang beminat nak kerja shift mcm aku ngan man leh la try apply untuk jawatan executive trainee kat westport malaysia sdn bhd syarat:degree any field sanggup kerja shiftit and engineering di utamakanfresh graduate leh mohon..so ni la kalau kita ada perjumpaan ari tu, leh gaks kongsi kerja kosong tak? anyware sapa yang berminat leh la anta email kat: hr@westportmalaysia.com.my nak tau lebih lanjut lg pasai westport layarlah www.westportmalaysia.com.my
bye aznizan aripin - aznizan_ar@yahoo.com
and satu lagi:
at Bookline Services, PJ (Library Supplier)
jawatan: Assistant to manager.
perlu ada: driving license, Lelaki, willing to travel.
jobs: assist the company manager to organize works and sometimes will go out to do the assignment given by the manager.
interested? just call: en farizal mohamad at 019-246 0123. email: booklineserve@hotmail.com
as soon as possible.
Isnin, Februari 21, 2005
Gathering PM 21 - berjaya disempurnakan

Sedara semua, tahniah aku uchapkan kepada semua member2 yang tlah hadir dan mai pada 19/2/2005 yang lalu. dianggarkan seramai 36 members of the clan telah datang stelah menerima mesej aku....anyway Bravo kengkawan, kepada kengkawan yang tidak dpt dtg tu, tadak hal, bule lagi di gathering akan dtg. dan ramai jugak yg tak dpt dtg..atas sbb2 tertentu dan peribadi...takpa, this is the beginning to our next journey...!!! kepada sesiapa yang tangkap gambaq tu, bule lah email kat aku ke..nanti aku tolong circulate kan kepada yang lain, ini membuktikan bhw kita maseh kuat lagi...tahniah PM 21, dan tak lupa jugak kepada kengkawan kita yang dari PM lain, tima kaseh bnyk2 kerna dtg jugak...kepada yang telah menye'ponsor'kan makanan dan ayaq...tahniah brader....!! u are the best brader....takpa, ini utk kita2 jugak..tak kesah la sapa bwk pon...kita dpt makan sama2. antara yang dtg... ramai...azuan, muhaimin, shimar, cat, miejon, nandre, azrina, fauzie dan tunang, romatan, aznizan, jamain dan isteri, gie, azman, pak raja, razef, sochai, wan rushdi, azean, ila sabri, shimie, hidayati, lissa, shanorita, syikin, shah, hedayah dan suami, arnieta, shamsudin, itu la antaranya....
aku tau mmg ada yg last minute kena balik kg etc..contohnya:a. suziah che daud - suami dia accident, so dia kena balik qlate.b. ijan stone cold - keja kat kuantan, tadak cuti.c. shahril - kena stayback kat ofis...d. meor - kena balik kg, antaq mak dia balik Selama, perak.e. azizan selama dan sadariah - kena keja kat PTPL seksyen 13,f. nurul - tak dpt dihubungig. salimi perlis - keja kat alor setaqh. azelina abdul rahman - master kat UPMi. adeline - keja kat sabah (tutor)j. razif sodek - accident, balik kg urut tangank. pidaus mimos - kena staybackl. abby - no berita, tapi mmg conferm nak mai pon.m. rahim - kat terengganun. berry - kat ipoh.o. beh kobeh - kat tanjung malimp. kamila hani - no berita, tp conferm nk maiq. wahiza - kena kerjar. aju - no beritas. yusnita - no berita
so, nanti Plan kita tahun nie: "XPDC Pangkor June 2005"...akan diconfirmkan balik bila tarikh dia....apa yang pasti, kita akan plan buat bulan June 2005...so, start la kumpul duit dr sekarang...budget sorang RM 250.00 shj....ok...
Jumaat, Februari 18, 2005
ENTITI Indon: Dunia Lain

Anyone seen the Indonesian version of Entiti Bukti? It's called Dunia Lain. Well, its not exactly an Indonesian version but it's almost the same. Covering real happenings of ghosts or better known as "entities". But the Indonesian one is of course, way better. Sometimes I get the chills, but some of it makes me feel like it's a prank. But whatever it is... it does remind me of my own experience living in a house that is keras somewhere in Putrajaya once upon a time ago.
Before residing at that place (rented that place together with friends, since we're studying in Cyberjaya) I was kind of a "brave" person who apparently just walk through any sorts of places like nobody's business. During my school days, even, we did a bet if whoever gets to walk pass through this particular cemetery from this end to that end will get RM10 from each person. I won, obviously. Because I just didnt give a damn. But it was a bit scary though, I have to admit. Just that my ego got over everything. Ha ha. Anyway... after a few very strange incidents that happened in the house in Putrajaya, I have become one of the most coward person anyone has ever known. My friend Wanie is a scaredy-cat. We used to make fun of her. Well, since she was living with me too at the same Putrajaya house, looks like I've morphed into another version of her. I dont even dare to go to the toilet late at night.
At that house, a lot of strange things happened. Not only one person gets to go through weird happenings, but almost every one of us. There was one time when I was sitting at home alone downstairs, the radio upstairs terpasang kuat gile babi, it was a disco. I sumpah ingat ada orang kat atas so I didnt really gave a rats ass. By the time the rest of the girls got home, they asked me why did I turn on the radio so loud. I said "Ntah. Bukan aku. Sapa kat atas?" Muka diorang dah senget. Wanie said to me "Takde sapa la Cah." Damn I tell you, that... thing. That thing sempat lagi nak main2 ngan bass level radio tuh. At first the bass level was normal, then it was on maximum till the grilled sliding door bergegar, mcm rumah bergegar la senang. Then the bass level went on minimum, bunyi mcm old skool radio. Then, back to normal. It was scary, but I was too ignorant to care at that time. Not when they told me I was actually home alone!!! ARGH!@!&%@*@#% The other girls went upstairs and switched off the radio. God that was scary.
Selasa, Februari 15, 2005
Isnin, Februari 07, 2005
Gathering of the Clan
ada perubahan tempat untuk gathering kita:
Tempat: The Hanging garden of Shah Alam, sebelah wet world, berhadapan dengan gerai seksyen 2.......
Masa:Tengah Hari
Tarikh: 19 Feb 2004
p/s: bawak sekali makan2 ringan dan berat untuk ari tu..kita buat style...sharing resources la ye..
Sabtu, Februari 05, 2005
walaupon sabtu adalah hari keja bagi sesetengah organisasi, tapi ari sabtu adalah hari yang mmg meng'enjoy'kan bagi kita, actually, sabtu nie bule dikatakan hari untuk mengorganize kan balik semua keja2 kita di opis la katakan. aku suka ari sabtu, pasai ianya ada suasana ujung minggu dan sesuai utk buat apa2 aktiviti. sabtu lah hari keja half day...yahoo.
berbanding dgn ahad, ahad nie tak berapa mengizinkan la, aku tgk ari ahad nie mcm tak barapa syok la, kecuali pagi nye je la...bila dh samapai tgh ari, dah mula boring, tak tau nak buat apa pon. so, sayang la ari sabtu. enjoykan diri anda dgn ari sabtu...yahoooooo
sabtu...yang kusayang... www.oasisinet.com
berbanding dgn ahad, ahad nie tak berapa mengizinkan la, aku tgk ari ahad nie mcm tak barapa syok la, kecuali pagi nye je la...bila dh samapai tgh ari, dah mula boring, tak tau nak buat apa pon. so, sayang la ari sabtu. enjoykan diri anda dgn ari sabtu...yahoooooo
sabtu...yang kusayang... www.oasisinet.com
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