Ahmad Fuad Osman’s new body of works of paintings and slide projection for residency exhibition titled ‘Recollections of Long Lost Memories’ is initially inspired by the 50th Merdeka celebration. Large oil on canvas paintings deal with the lack of historical awareness especially with the younger generation in their discounted version of Malaysia’s history, current and topical issues, as they all are too caught up with latest gadget or trend. By selecting certain important occasions or moments in the nation’s history and using old archival photos related to the event as reference, Ahmad Fuad painted them larger than life in black & white and inserted an anonymous but contemporary person into the composition, juxtaposing the past with the present, creating a dialogue.
Khamis, Julai 29, 2010
Ahmad Fuad Osman
Ahmad Fuad Osman’s new body of works of paintings and slide projection for residency exhibition titled ‘Recollections of Long Lost Memories’ is initially inspired by the 50th Merdeka celebration. Large oil on canvas paintings deal with the lack of historical awareness especially with the younger generation in their discounted version of Malaysia’s history, current and topical issues, as they all are too caught up with latest gadget or trend. By selecting certain important occasions or moments in the nation’s history and using old archival photos related to the event as reference, Ahmad Fuad painted them larger than life in black & white and inserted an anonymous but contemporary person into the composition, juxtaposing the past with the present, creating a dialogue.
Rabu, Julai 28, 2010
Library Marketing

Tenaga kerja pusat maklumat mesti mempunyai elemen mempromosikan apa yang ada dalam organisasi masing-masing. Banyak library yang sedang menuju satu konsep baru iaitu library sebagai tempat sosial tapi bukannya masalah sosial lah. haha. Oleh itu, library adalah perlu memikirkan satu plan pemasaran dan promosi serta kasi upgrade library bukan sebagai library conventional.
Library 2.0 dan 3.0 misalannya merupakan satu medium komunikasi antara user dan staf library yang ideal dan bijak yang menggunakan enjin FB atau Twitter atau online blog.
Ahad, Julai 25, 2010
Isnin, Julai 19, 2010
Rat Race

Tahun nie, ianya akan diadakan pada 3 Ogos 2010
rat race
Isnin, Julai 12, 2010
Cry for a shadow
Ini adalah lagu terawal The Beatles pada tahun 1961 dan juga telah dimainkan kembali oleh The BeaTrips pada tahun 2008. Caya la.
Ahad, Julai 11, 2010
Bola kotak...

Modal dia senang ja, ada manila kad yang keras, gambar pasukan bola tu, kertas pembalut coklat, dawai serta net untuk buat gol. Benda nie kalau main, memang macam main Sahibba etc. Boleh buat tournament la, sampai la ke final. fulamak. layan beb. Tapi masa aku dulu nie, aku gunakan kotak kaset sebagai gol. gol buleh buat panjang sampai bentuk "U". So, enjoy la main benda nie. Sapa-sapa ada pengalaman main benda nie, bulehlah cherita dengan penulis blog.
Walaupon simple, tapi inilah dia salah satu permainan bagi budak-budak dulu nie.. Jangan compare dengan sekarang, macam-macam permainan ada...
Isnin, Julai 05, 2010
Begedil @ pegedil

begedil for me
Ahad, Julai 04, 2010
Slash mau mai sini la.

Venue: Sunway Lagoon Theme Park
Ticket sales start on 15 June 2010.
VIP: RM378
PS1 - RM253, RM178, RM128
PS2 - RM183, RM128, RM93
For more information please call the official ticket agent, FatDeal Hotline at 03-7862 2000 or visit www.fatdeal.com.my
Jumaat, Julai 02, 2010
Kedai Beatles di London

231 Baker Street
Phone: (020) 7935 4464 Fax: (020) 7935 9347
Emails: sales | webmaster
Opening hours: OPEN EVERY DAY 10AM - 6.30PM
beatles shop
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