Ahad, Julai 21, 2024

Libraries - Catalysts For Change


 By Daniela Hislop, CEO at Thedesignconcept Ltd

July 18, 2024

Libraries are awesome! If you think you know libraries think again! Even as society undergoes continuous change, the public library continues to be considered by so many as a much-loved and respected institution – even those who have never used it can still see its acknowledged trust and its wider democratic and civic value. With some investment the potential is indeed awesome!

The public library is still widely and globally recognised as a catalyst for change, facilitating social, economic and cultural development and supporting communities to take advantage of the opportunities afforded them by a modern society.

We know libraries build better, fairer stronger communities. Working more, and more in partnership they make huge differences to health and wellbeing, to early learning, to digital access and skills and to an informed citizenry.

Tomorrow’s libraries need leaders who understand new technologies, the changing and future job market and the future skills citizens will need for that. Undoubtedly, these new leaders must find a united, big, loud voice to sell the vision. Let's transform public perception of our role and relevance and become the thought leaders to support, protect and empower people in a digital age.

We can enable the learning required to create new jobs and a new skilled, entrepreneurial, adaptable workforce. Importantly we need to create the fantastic spaces in which people feel they can just ‘be’; places they own, want, need and can develop.

Rapid pace of change is now our only constant, but we are an untapped goldmine with an opportunity to reinvent our role as the ‘digital powerhouse’ and to develop as real catalysts for equality and societal change. We can find new ways of working that ensure no one is left behind.

With thoughtful investment our network of public libraries is ideally situated to create the conditions for harnessing the benefits of economic growth. To ensure everyone knows it, so WE NEED TO FIND A BIG LOUD VOICE!

If you found our work of interest please follow us on X @designconceptuk. If you’d like to know more about our work look here https://thedesignconcept.co.uk/inspiration/

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/libraries-catalysts-change-daniela-hislop-oukwe/?trackingId=PRsdL0wEz4OQJRCIPFyytw%3D%3D


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