Rabu, Julai 31, 2024

Bridging Gaps in Understanding with Books

Bridging gaps in understanding with books

The Star 30 July 2024, pg. 16

"Books are 'downloads' of human thoughts and aspirations, and can be passed on meaningfully to the next generation"

#Books #Read

Selasa, Julai 30, 2024

Tahniah Dato' Imuda (Abg Budin)


Foto ihsan FB Imudaart 

Saya ada berjumpa dengan beliau pada 27 Julai 2024 di Pesta Buku Kanak-kanak Selangor 2024 bertempat di Kompleks PKNS Shah Alam. 

Foto ihsan Selangorkini 

Foto ihsan Imudaart 

Isnin, Julai 29, 2024

Hari Harimau Sedunia - 29 Julai


Baca artikel dalam Harian Metro

Ahad, Julai 28, 2024

Ruang Bacaan SACC Mall, Shah Alam

Ruang bacaan di SACC Mall, Shah Alam. Buku-buku di sini adalah sumbangan daripada pelbagai individu.

27 Julai 2024

Sabtu, Julai 27, 2024

Menghadiri Pesta Buku Kanak-kanak Selangor 2024


Hari ini hadir ke Pesta Buku Kanak-kanak Selangor 2024 di Kompleks PKNS Shah Alam.

27 Julai 2024

Teruskan Amalan Berjalan 10,000 Langkah


Jumaat, Julai 26, 2024

Taman Tasik Taiping Kering


Keadaan Taman Tasik Taiping yang kekeringan akibat cuaca panas yang melanda dan hujan tidak turun sudah hampir sebulan. 

Nombor 1-100 Dalam Roman


Foto ihsan Internet

Khamis, Julai 25, 2024

Kanak-kanak dan Buku

Give a child a book, see him develop, says literacy advocate

The Malaysian Insight – 21 July 2024

CHILDREN must be given every opportunity to read from an early age to grow up without being hampered by narrow views and judgements, literacy advocate Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin said

He said reading can shape the character and personality of children, and they should be allowed to read a wide variety of books, including comics and illustrated works. Redza advocates for every child’s right to read and benefit from the transformative power of books.

“Every child has a right to read and read the right book. Books can breach the cultural and racial divide. We want the best for our children,” he said in an interview with The Malaysian Insight. We must support children; we must engage them. We must understand their mindset and see from their perspective.

Rabu, Julai 24, 2024

Deposit Tabung Haji Mudah Dengan JomPay


Foto ihsan Tabung Haji 

Selasa, Julai 23, 2024

Pesta Buku Kanak-Kanak Selangor 2024


Sumber: FB Pustaka Raja Tun Uda 

Isnin, Julai 22, 2024

Malakat Mall (Mac 2020 - 31 Julai 2024)


Foto ihsan Malay Mail 

Malakat Mall di Cyberjaya yang dirasmikan pada Mac 2020 akan ditutup pada 31 Julai 2024. 

Ahad, Julai 21, 2024

Libraries - Catalysts For Change


 By Daniela Hislop, CEO at Thedesignconcept Ltd

July 18, 2024

Libraries are awesome! If you think you know libraries think again! Even as society undergoes continuous change, the public library continues to be considered by so many as a much-loved and respected institution – even those who have never used it can still see its acknowledged trust and its wider democratic and civic value. With some investment the potential is indeed awesome!

The public library is still widely and globally recognised as a catalyst for change, facilitating social, economic and cultural development and supporting communities to take advantage of the opportunities afforded them by a modern society.

We know libraries build better, fairer stronger communities. Working more, and more in partnership they make huge differences to health and wellbeing, to early learning, to digital access and skills and to an informed citizenry.

Tomorrow’s libraries need leaders who understand new technologies, the changing and future job market and the future skills citizens will need for that. Undoubtedly, these new leaders must find a united, big, loud voice to sell the vision. Let's transform public perception of our role and relevance and become the thought leaders to support, protect and empower people in a digital age.

We can enable the learning required to create new jobs and a new skilled, entrepreneurial, adaptable workforce. Importantly we need to create the fantastic spaces in which people feel they can just ‘be’; places they own, want, need and can develop.

Rapid pace of change is now our only constant, but we are an untapped goldmine with an opportunity to reinvent our role as the ‘digital powerhouse’ and to develop as real catalysts for equality and societal change. We can find new ways of working that ensure no one is left behind.

With thoughtful investment our network of public libraries is ideally situated to create the conditions for harnessing the benefits of economic growth. To ensure everyone knows it, so WE NEED TO FIND A BIG LOUD VOICE!

If you found our work of interest please follow us on X @designconceptuk. If you’d like to know more about our work look here https://thedesignconcept.co.uk/inspiration/

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/libraries-catalysts-change-daniela-hislop-oukwe/?trackingId=PRsdL0wEz4OQJRCIPFyytw%3D%3D


Sabtu, Julai 20, 2024

Majlis Istiadat Pertabalan SPB YDP Agong XVII


Sumber: RTM

Sumber: Astro 

Jumaat, Julai 19, 2024

Libraries as a Crime Fighter

Libraries as a crime fighter

The Star 15/7/2024 pg. 12
"Libraries and museums should be used as community spaces that can help bring down the crime rate by giving youths space for healthy activities"

Khamis, Julai 18, 2024

The Difference Between United Kingdom, England and Great Britain

Source: Pinterest

Source: Sketchplanations


Some people and indeed all over the world, including well travelled, often confuse England, United Kingdom and Great Britain.
England is a country just like Ghana and its capital is London just like Accra is the capital of Ghana.
Great Britain is a collection of 3 countries which came together as one country and has its capital as London. Those 3 countries are:
1. England,
2. Scotland
3. Wales.
When you include Northern Ireland to these 3 countries, they become United Kingdom (Union of four nations)
1. England,
2. Scotland,
3. Wales, and
4. Northern Ireland.
That is why it is referred to as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Collectively, the four are taken as one country. And when this is the case, London is its capital.
Note however that these four individual nations all have their own respective capitals.
Accordingly, the capital of
Scotland is Edinburgh,
Wales is Cardiff;
Northern Ireland is Belfast.
England is London.

Rabu, Julai 17, 2024

What Is Your Work Motivation?


Source: New Straits Times 

Selasa, Julai 16, 2024

Tiger M. Dattaya dies at 90


Jom Sedekah Pada 10 Muharam


Isnin, Julai 15, 2024

Amalan 10 Muharam


Foto ihsan JMKN, N9

Hari Asyura juga sering dikaitkan dengan hidangan bubur asyura yang dimasak secara gotong-royong.

Foto ihsan Mingguan Wanita 

Ahad, Julai 14, 2024

Sesekali Teringat Rock Kapak


Foto ihsan Wilayahku 

Sabtu, Julai 13, 2024

Reunion Kecil Geng BM15-DBS Insurance intake Jan 1996

Dari kiri: Intan Nooryasmin, Nor Azlina, Nandre, Hasnizal, Nurma Indriati, Mohd. Shukri
Hari ini berkesempatan berjumpa dengan kawan sekelas semasa diploma - BM 15: DBS Insurance (ambilan Jan 1996, ITM Shah Alam). Setelah sekian lama tak jumpa sejak 1999, alhamdulillah dapat jumpa balik. Kami dulu daftar ITM pada 1 Jan 1996 di Dewan Seri Budiman dan kelas di Kajian Perniagaan dan Pengurusan berhadapan dengan PTAR 2. Kursus kami tak ramai, kalau gabung dua kelas jadi 30 lebih ja.

13 Julai 2024 | Seksyen 9, Shah Alam

Jumaat, Julai 12, 2024

Program Perarakan Komuniti Taiping


Akan ada DUA EKOR GAJAH 🐘🐘 berhias untuk Program Perarakan Komuniti Taiping, jom warga Taiping kita memeriahkan program yang akan berlangsung pada:
📅 13 Julai 2024 (Sabtu)
🕜 6.45 pagi
📍 Berkumpul di Padang Esplanade dan Pelepasan di Dataran Warisan, Taiping
Sebanyak 50 KONTINJEN akan menyertai perarakan ini termasuk badan beruniform, agensi kerajaan, persatuan dan NGO di Taiping.
Perarakan akan melalui Padang Esplanade ➡️ Dataran Warisan Taiping ➡️ Jalan Taming Sari ➡️ Jalan Idris ➡️ Jalan Kota ➡️ dan kembali ke Dataran Warisan Taiping.
Jangan lepaskan peluang menyaksikan sendiri kemeriahan dan warna-warni perarakan sempena Sambutan Ulang Tahun Taiping ke 150 ini.
Jom saksikan persembahan pancaragam sekolah dari sekolah-sekolah sekitar Taiping.
‼️Jumpa anda di sana‼️

Khamis, Julai 11, 2024

Generative AI Tools


Foto ihsan Turing.com 

Rabu, Julai 10, 2024

Old Edwardians Association Malaysia 55th Annual Reunion Dinner 2024


19 July 2024 Annual Game Rugby and Hockey, School Field
- 5.00 pm
20 July 2024 School Sports, School Field
- 8.00 am
20 July 2024 Annual Reunion Dinner, SSL Traders Hotel
- 8.00 pm
21 July 2024 Old Edwardians Association Malaysia AGM
- 10.30 am

All Are Invited

Selasa, Julai 09, 2024

Gaya Orang Perak Makan Deghoyan

Foto ihsan FB Seladang Perak

Makan Durian dengan Nasi Putih Gaya Orang Perak

Antara kegemaran orang lama di Perak menjamah durian adalah dengan cara makan dengan nasi putih dan pulut tanak. Biasanya mereka akan juga masukkan sekali santan supaya lebih berlemak. Ada juga sesetengah orang suka campur sedikit garam atau gula untuk lebih 'kick' tesktur rasanya nanti. Kaedah makannya adalah dengan cara menggaul dan meramas isi durian, kemudian dicurah sedikit santan ke atas nasi tersebut. Setelah digaul bersama ketiga tiga komponen ini, seterusnya ianya terus dijamah ke mulut. Peringatan, hidangan makan sebegini makan sekali sekala sahaja ya, jangan amal setiap hari.

Sumber: FB Seladang Perak

Isnin, Julai 08, 2024

Pembacaan surat khabar bercetak banyak kelebihan


Berita Harian 2 Julai 2024, ms. 13

Sumber: Pressreader

Ahad, Julai 07, 2024

Perjumpaan Adik-beradik - 1 Muharam 1446


Alhamdulillah dapat berjumpa di Presint 16. Abang no. 2 datang bercuti ke Presint 16 dari Kuala Kangsar. Abang sulung pulak datang menginap di IOI City dari Pandan Indah. Kami dari Shah Alam buat keputusan jumpa makan tengah hari di Taman warisan Pertanian, Presint 16. Adik sorang lagi ada program Maal Hijrah di PICC. 

Sabtu, Julai 06, 2024

Reunion Kechil Geng IS221


Dari kiri: PM Dr Farra, Norlian, Razif, Nandre, Firdaus, PM Dr Khairulnizam, Abby